
Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Naptural: The Beginning of My Natural Hair Process

Hey!! So it has been awhile since I've written anything, a couple months to be exact, but I am trying to get back on it and actually become dedicated to this thing! :) I think it's necessary that my next article topic be about my natural hair or natural hair in general.  It's all about the curls ya'll!!
      Ever since I was exposed to hot combs, blow dryers, and flat irons, my hair had no chance. I WAS DOOMED FROM THE START! Just remembering the sound of my poor edges sizzling from the  hot comb meeting the grease, burning THE MESS out of my scalp and ears, just makes me want to cry. Of course, I didn't know what was happening at the time.  I just wanted my hair pretty and straight! OH! But if I knew, I wouldn't have agreed to sit in Ms. Carolyn's chair! (Love her though, wonderful woman) Now some x amount of years later, my curls are almost non-existent. I would say, when wet, most of my hair doesn't curl up, it just lays there. Over the past year, I have been trying to transition and start the process of getting my curls back, but I get lazy....real quick. Plus, I just end up going back to what I am use to...flat irons. I'm so weak! BUT these past couple of months I would say I have been doing exceptionally well. I'm still not satisfied.
      I want my entire head to be filled with luscious curly goodness! My ends are giving me so much trouble. I would do bantu knots and bantu knots....and more bantu knots. (That's really all I know how to do) The style comes out great, but you can still see the straight ends poking out the curls. If I could achieve a proper wash-n-go without worrying about one side part of my hair being curly another being straight and another being both curly and straight I would. Before my started falling out and before I cut it into a bob, your girl's hair was extra long. I'm talking INCHES! Everyone thought I wore weave until they ran their fingers through my hair and didn't feel a single track. I grew my own Brazilian Remy! But I didn't take care of it and now it barely reaches my shoulders, ULTIMATE SAD FACE! I don't just want to get my curls back, I want long, healthy, strong and thick hair.
      I declare today August 4th, 2015, my first day of transitioning! I DECLARE IT! Also after long hours of watching youtube videos, talking to my cousin and myself, I will be doing the big chop! Not now, of course, but I have set a date. This is only the beginning, I hope you all stick with me during this process and I am open to any advice on hair care products, styles, anything really!
Stay Tuned...more coming soon!

1 comment:

  1. Lol "I grew my own remy" 😂 but I can definitely relate on the Bantu knots. I've been transitioning since October and the struggle is definitely real. I love my puffs and mini fro but I still see that relaxed hair just chillin. I wasn't about that big chop life but I can say that my hair is much softer and curls are sliding through my dm's so hopefully I can keep it up. Good post.
